*RILEY&SARA'S COUNTRY FAIR* Blush and Taupe (pink & tan for the men who don't speak shades of color)

My baby! Not just the bride, but the wedding itself.  We went out on a limb, trying some different ideas for a memorable backyard reception....and it was reception perfection!
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart

bridesmaids on the run

Can't go wrong with Chinese lanterns.  Lots of them!

"Sara & Riley
The sign in table - my favorite sofa table.

Probably the greatest bunch of kids.  Ever.

A few weeks before the wedding, we asked kids to draw pics of Sara and Riley. We strung them together on ribbon and lined the sidewalks of the street leading to the celebration with shepherds hooks and the kids drawings.

monograms on the rustic barn doors

Guests were shuttled to the reception in golf carts